About St. Dominic's Store

St. Dominic's Store is here to serve you!

St. Dominic
       Contact the Store at store@stdominicsstore.com.

St. Dominic's Store is religious goods online store associated with the Lay Provincial Council of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic of the Holy Name of Jesus (Western) Province of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans); and, St. Dominic's Store is affiliated with the Third Order of St. Dominic, Inc., a 501(c)(3) federal tax exempt Idaho nonprofit corporation. The Store is responsible to a board of directors that includes the store manager, the president of the Western Dominican Lay Provincial Council, and the prior of the Boise-based Saint Margaret of Castello Chapter.

The St. Dominic's Store offices are located in Boise, Idaho, U.S.A.; is an apostolate of the Saint Margaret of Castello Chapter of Boise, Idaho; and, is managed and operated by members of the Chapter.

Contact St. Dominic's Store by emailing store@stdominicsstore.com. If circumstances warrant, you may contact the Store at 208.375.2532.  The volunteer staff of St. Dominic's Store that operates the store is Mrs. Carolyn Reese, OP, Store Manager.  Mr. John Keenan, OP, assists in the management of StDominicsStore.com.  

Seal of the St. Margaret of Castello, OP, Chapter
Boise, Idaho, U.S.A.